A black silhouette of a telephone on a white background.
A black and white envelope icon on a white background.
A black map pin with a circle in the middle on a white background.
12111 Spring Cypress Rd, Tomball, TX 77377, United States of America
A briefcase is sitting next to a clock on a white background.

Monday to Friday: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

A Letter From Doctor Dennis J. Giba, DDS

To my patients, friends, and colleagues,

It is with mixed emotions that I write this letter announcing my retirement from private practice as of June 2024.

I have been more than blessed by the patients we have cared for and with the associations and friendships we have formed. I will treasure them for many years to come.

I am also blessed that I am able to entrust the care of my patients and the practice to my colleague, Dr. Hussein Kalimuddin. Dr. Kalimuddin was educated at Buffalo University Dental school, has completed advanced training at the Staten Island University Hospital GPR Program and has a decade of private practice experience.

Dr. Kalimuddin impressed me from our first meeting. He has a quiet, easy manner, provides gentle and comprehensive care while maintaining the comfort of his patients. I could not be more pleased that he will assume the care of our patients, knowing that they could not be in the hands of a more honest, skilled, or dedicated person.

It has been my deepest honor to have had your trust for all of these years. It is that trust that I ask you to keep in me as I introduce Dr. Kalimuddin into the practice. I firmly believe that once you’ve met him you will love him as my staff and I do.


I will be available for emergencies for active patients until the end of May 2024.

Thank you for our association and friendship over the years for which I am ever grateful.


Dennis Giba

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